Institutional Support
The Quad City Symphony Orchestra is among the 20 longest-established, continuously operating orchestral associations in the U.S. and has been an integral component of our community for more than 100 years! Click to view a list of our current sponsors.
We are vital to the health and livability of the community, which supports employee recruitment and retention, and drives economic impact – the QCSO helps generate more than $3 million spent within our community and supports more than 200 jobs!
The QCSO reaches a highly sought after audience, which is well-educated, professional, affluent, and has an influential business and community leader presence. They understand our importance, and recognize, through their patronage, the commitment that our corporate sponsors make.
We have obtained this valuable audience, and more, through our performances. More than 50,000 people attend our programs every year, including diverse and underserved audiences through our free access programs, which many of our sponsors help to underwrite. In addition, our digital advertising and social media promotions reach more than one million people a year!
Sponsor a performance or education program today!
Learn more about the exclusive benefits of becoming a corporate sponsor by contacting Steve Mohr, Director of Development, at 563-424-7735 or We look forward to working with you!
Thank you to all the corporate sponsors, foundations, and organizational partners who support us and recognize the value that the Quad City Symphony Orchestra brings to our Quad City community!
QCSO Mission Sponsors
Gold Baton Sponsors
Silver Baton Sponsors
Bronze Baton Sponsors
Charles B Preacher Foundation
Susan Quail

Supporting Sponsors
Grant W. Brissman and Virginia M. Brissman Foundation
Davenport Noon Optimist

Chris Connolly, Well Fargo Advisors

Looser Flake Foundation

Contributing Sponsors & Support
Arthur J Gallagher Insurance
BITCO Insurance Companies
Alana & Matt Carroll
Doris and Victor Day Foundation
Mike & Louis Harring
HAVlife Foundation
IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union
Bob & Kathy Lelonek
John McDowell Burrows and Sarah Meeker Burrows Family Trust
John J. Quail Foundation
Richard Lynch & Stacy Klingler
Mary Iva Gittens Knouse Trust
Mel McKay Trust
Katelyn Medina
Moline Forge
Rauch Family Foundation
Rock Island Community Foundation
Parr Instrument Company
Sue Paul
Sara & Eric Pennington
Prichard Family Charitable Trust
Marysue & Dan Salmon
Leo Schubert & Susan Sharar
Annette Tephly & Matt Rybarczyk
Tri-City Garden Club
USI Insurance
Charles & Nancy von Maur
Melissa & Jim von Maur
Archana & Nikhil Wagle
Bob & Kim Waterman
David Waterman
WHBF-TV Local 4
In-Kind & Presenting Partners
Flowers by Staacks – Louise Lorimer
Hotel Blackhawk
Ian Fleming Foundation
Mississippi River Distillery
Modern Woodmen of America
Quad City Times
A Spotted Apron
Jasa & Ellen Todorovich
Top Notch Production
WVIK- Quad Cities NPR